Since our establishment back in 1893, we have put enthusiasm and dedication to build an up-to-date international Shipping Organization which is highly recognized among all members of the shipping family world-wide.

Today we take pride in the results of our professional and yet very personal approach to Shipping and firmly raise our voice in stating that:
For over a century now, this family business has always offered efficiency, reliability and quality of service to all our longstanding clients and business friends within the Shipping Industry.

Our older generations had a motto: "be trusted" and this is something we as their descendants try daily to keep as our number one business conduct rule.

Los datos introducidos fueron proporcionados por seagull.

  • País Greece
  • Ciudad 185 35 Piraeus
  • Calle Akti Miaouli 7-9
  • Teléfono +30 210 422 2660
  • E-Mail -
  • Horario -