- Sector de industria Broker
- Sitio Web www.owbunker.com
Taking care of business
At OW Bunker we specialize in marine supplies, affording you the opportunity to focus on your core business areas. Many customers look to us for service in all three of our primary lines of activity—global trading, physical supply and risk management—but we’re open to business at any pace, and in any combination that suits your needs.
Global trading
OW has traders in every major bunkering location on earth and nurtures strong relationships with all its global suppliers. We have the assets needed to ensure on-schedule delivery at competitive prices, and you can always depend on our global trading division for friendly and flexible service.
Physical supply
OW has its own physical supplies in key shipping lanes around the world and is expanding rapidly to include new locations. The long-term contracts this enables result in greater stability and cost reductions for our customers. Our products are always high quality, blended to your specifications, tested thoroughly and delivered by our fleet of specialized refueling ships and tanker trucks or those of approved partners.
- Ciudad 185 36 Piraeus
- Calle A Laskou 12 & Akti Themistokleous 20 Freattyda Square
- Teléfono +30 210 428 4455
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