
  • Name Willie Miller
  • Country United States United States

  • Last Visit June 29 2021, 11:06
  • Registered June 29, 2021
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Back in my junior year of high school everyone was freaking out about what colleges to apply for. I was very ambitious – my list had somewhere around 17 schools at first. My main goal was to get into UW-Seattle and I ended up spending countless hours trying to research the best tactics for filling out their application. I’ve gotten a lot of questions about applying to UW recently, so I thought why not make it a post? The following information is just a view of an admitted student with some admission tips based on experience and reflections.

1. Overview of the University
University of Washington – Seattle is an amazing school, no doubt. With infinite resources, every student can find a way to channel his or her passion. The university is huge, though (too huge for me, I’d say), and sometimes I feel like there’s no way for me to know all the resources in my time there. Classes are also pretty big – the biggest one I had was Psych 101 with 700 other students. That was pretty crazy but I try to sit in the first couple of rows so I wouldn’t get distracted by all the people in front of me (think how much people scratch, bend down, turn around, etc. and how noticeable it would be if all 700 did that! ugh!) Other than that, I really have no problem with the school.
Professors are very responsive and are available to help most of the time. Work load is fair and quite manageable. I worked two jobs this last quarter and managed to do just fine in all classes. It definitely helps to live on campus and not commute like moi, but it’s not a bad option for those living nearby. The campus is beautiful, of course, with the cherry trees and Gothic architecture and all. Overall, let’s just say that there are more days when I am walking outside from class to class and thinking “Man, what a great school I attend” than “I hate this.”

2. UW’s Beliefs
According to studydaddy admission to University of Washington is all about diversity. Your background and family matter just as much as what you did in the last few years to experience cultural or societal diversity and how you dealt with it and what you learned. From what I remember, that was the biggest thing I noticed. UW Admissions also look for community involvement – whether it’s volunteering, working, sports or simply joining a few clubs at school. They like to see commitment to one thing rather than sporadic ‘trying everything for 3 days’ type of thing. Grades and SAT’s are important as well, and I think right now UW’s average SAT score is somewhere in the 1800’s and the average GPA is around a 3.8. I definitely didn’t have a 3.8 GPA in high school, but I did a lot of things outside of it so admissions were able to see that I didn’t just come home from school and studied like there’s no tomorrow.